Repeated electoral competition over non-linear income tax schedules /
Casamatta, Georges
Repeated electoral competition over non-linear income tax schedules / Georges Casamatta, Helmuth Cremer and Philippe De Donder. - London : Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2008. - 34 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - CEPR Discussion Paper Series ; 7054 . - CEPR. Discussion paper series. IEC ; v. 246/6. .
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Impuestos sobre la renta
Política fiscal
Repeated electoral competition over non-linear income tax schedules / Georges Casamatta, Helmuth Cremer and Philippe De Donder. - London : Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2008. - 34 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - CEPR Discussion Paper Series ; 7054 . - CEPR. Discussion paper series. IEC ; v. 246/6. .
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Impuestos sobre la renta
Política fiscal