Producing a Citizens' Guide to the Budget Why, What and How? /
Petrie, Murray.
Producing a Citizens' Guide to the Budget Why, What and How? / [electronic resource]: Murray Petrie and Jon Shields - Paris : OECD Publishing, 2010. - 14 p. ; 19 x 27cm.
As part of the growing search for more transparency and accountability in government finance, this article suggests guidelines for the production and dissemination of a citizens' guide to the budget. Examples from a variety of countries help to illustrate why governments should publish an annual guide, what the contents and characteristics of a good guide should be, and how such a guide should be made accessible. JEL classification: H500, H600. Keywords: effective public accountability, transparent budgeting, open budgets, fiscal transparency, civil society, citizen participation, public oversight, public debate, access to information.
Finance and Investment
Producing a Citizens' Guide to the Budget Why, What and How? / [electronic resource]: Murray Petrie and Jon Shields - Paris : OECD Publishing, 2010. - 14 p. ; 19 x 27cm.
As part of the growing search for more transparency and accountability in government finance, this article suggests guidelines for the production and dissemination of a citizens' guide to the budget. Examples from a variety of countries help to illustrate why governments should publish an annual guide, what the contents and characteristics of a good guide should be, and how such a guide should be made accessible. JEL classification: H500, H600. Keywords: effective public accountability, transparent budgeting, open budgets, fiscal transparency, civil society, citizen participation, public oversight, public debate, access to information.
Finance and Investment