The Theory of Nationalisation
Katzarov, Konstantin.
The Theory of Nationalisation [electronic resource] / by Konstantin Katzarov ; edited by Anthony Wilfred Bradley. - 1st ed. 1964. - 392 p. 4 illus. online resource.
Introduction: The Pre-legal Foundation of Nationalisation -- 1. The Social Foundation -- 2. The Economic Foundation -- 3. The Political Foundation -- 4. Conclusion -- I. - The Achievement -- Section I: Introduction -- Section II: Industry and Commerce -- Section III: General and Systematic Conclusions -- II. - The Legal Structure -- Section I: Introduction -- Section II: The Socialisation of Law -- Section III: The Socialisation of Property -- Section IV: The Legal Nature of Nationalisation -- Section V: Conclusions -- III. - Operation -- Section I: Introduction -- Section II: The Form of Nationalisation -- Section III: Place and Function -- Section IV: The State Plan -- IV. - International Law -- Section I: Private Property in Public International Law -- Section II: International Status of Nationalisation -- Section III: Compensation -- Section IV: Procedure -- Appendix: "Inter"-Nationalisation.
In this book Professor Katzarov has made the first comprehensive study 0/ nationalisation /rom the legal point 0/ view. The author's knowledge 0/ European languages, in addition to his mother tongue 0/ Bulgarian, has enabled him to draw on material/rom England, France, the U.s.S.R. and the other communist countries 0/ Eastern Europe, and many countries 0/ Asia and Latin America. The book ranges widely in another sense. Professor Katzarov is a jurist in the best Continental tradition in that his work does not spring /rom a narrow technical outlook, but is a synthesis 0/ historical, philo sophic, political, economic and legal elements. Thus, he shows the way in which the constitutional and legal /ramework 0/ nationalisation has been in/luenced by extra-legal elements. It is difficult to imagine a legal scholar trained in one 0/ the Common Law countries producing a work as broadly conceived; and this is one 0/ several reasons why the publication 0/ an English edition is welcome.
10.1007/978-94-015-1055-4 doi
Law and economics.
Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History.
Law and Economics.
K201-487 B65
The Theory of Nationalisation [electronic resource] / by Konstantin Katzarov ; edited by Anthony Wilfred Bradley. - 1st ed. 1964. - 392 p. 4 illus. online resource.
Introduction: The Pre-legal Foundation of Nationalisation -- 1. The Social Foundation -- 2. The Economic Foundation -- 3. The Political Foundation -- 4. Conclusion -- I. - The Achievement -- Section I: Introduction -- Section II: Industry and Commerce -- Section III: General and Systematic Conclusions -- II. - The Legal Structure -- Section I: Introduction -- Section II: The Socialisation of Law -- Section III: The Socialisation of Property -- Section IV: The Legal Nature of Nationalisation -- Section V: Conclusions -- III. - Operation -- Section I: Introduction -- Section II: The Form of Nationalisation -- Section III: Place and Function -- Section IV: The State Plan -- IV. - International Law -- Section I: Private Property in Public International Law -- Section II: International Status of Nationalisation -- Section III: Compensation -- Section IV: Procedure -- Appendix: "Inter"-Nationalisation.
In this book Professor Katzarov has made the first comprehensive study 0/ nationalisation /rom the legal point 0/ view. The author's knowledge 0/ European languages, in addition to his mother tongue 0/ Bulgarian, has enabled him to draw on material/rom England, France, the U.s.S.R. and the other communist countries 0/ Eastern Europe, and many countries 0/ Asia and Latin America. The book ranges widely in another sense. Professor Katzarov is a jurist in the best Continental tradition in that his work does not spring /rom a narrow technical outlook, but is a synthesis 0/ historical, philo sophic, political, economic and legal elements. Thus, he shows the way in which the constitutional and legal /ramework 0/ nationalisation has been in/luenced by extra-legal elements. It is difficult to imagine a legal scholar trained in one 0/ the Common Law countries producing a work as broadly conceived; and this is one 0/ several reasons why the publication 0/ an English edition is welcome.
10.1007/978-94-015-1055-4 doi
Law and economics.
Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History.
Law and Economics.
K201-487 B65