The Waste Market Institutional Developments in Europe /

The Waste Market Institutional Developments in Europe / [electronic resource] : edited by Elbert Dijkgraaf, Raymond H. J. M. Gradus. - 1st ed. 2008. - VIII, 160 p. online resource.

Cost Savings of Contracting Out Refuse Collection in The Netherlands -- Contracting Out Refuse Collection in The Netherlands -- Contracting Out in Sweden: Ownership and Production Costs -- Does Public Ownership Impair Efficiency in Norwegian Refuse Collection? -- Refuse Collection in Spain: Privatization, Intermunicipal Cooperation, and Concentration -- How to Get Increasing Competition in the Dutch Refuse Collection Market? -- Dutch Cost Savings in Unit-Based Pricing of Household Waste -- Assessing Instruments for Mixed Household Solid Waste Collection Services in Flanders -- Final Comments and Future Research.

Since 1960, the importance of the waste sector has increased substantially in many EU countries from an economic and environmental viewpoint, yet not much literature is readily available on the topic. Key questions answered in this book are whether the use of market oriented methods and organization forms can diminish the increasing costs and stimulate waste reduction and sorting. The Waste Market undertakes the interesting task of examining the creative ways in which a handful of European countries, namely Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, and Sweden, have managed their waste collection market. For instance, the Netherlands experimented a lot with competition and different types of ownership. It shows that competition is more important than ownership. The use of public firms, exceptional in other European countries, seems to be a powerful instrument to enhance competition. The lack of these firms might explain why private production is not always cheaper than own collection by municipalities in Sweden. Instead of public firms, cooperation is much more used in Spain and Norway to exploit economies of scale. This insightful work also discusses variable charging that motivates customers to reduce waste. Different forms of variable charging are becoming more widespread in Belgium and the Netherlands and are very effective in reducing the amount of waste and help motivate customers to recycle their waste better. In the Netherlands different systems based on weight, bag, volume or frequency are used, which differ in effectiveness and implementation costs. The Flemish experience shows that variable charging can be even more effective, if it is combined with other policy instruments.


10.1007/978-1-4020-8711-0 doi

Industrial organization.
Waste management.
Environmental economics.
Environmental management.
Industrial Organization.
Waste Management/Waste Technology.
Environmental Economics.
Environment, general.
Environmental Management.

HD28-70 HD2321-4730.9


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