The Measurement and Valuation of Health Status Using EQ-5D: A European Perspective Evidence from the EuroQol BIOMED Research Programme /

The Measurement and Valuation of Health Status Using EQ-5D: A European Perspective Evidence from the EuroQol BIOMED Research Programme / [electronic resource] : edited by Richard Brooks, Rosalind Rabin, F. de Charro. - 1st ed. 2003. - XX, 303 p. online resource.

1. Introduction -- 2. Guidelines for analysing and reporting EQ-5D outcomes -- 3. EQ-5D: Modes of administration -- 4. Guidelines for value sets in economic and non-economic studies using EQ-5D -- 5. Test-retest performance of EQ-5D -- 6. Construction of the EQ-net VAS and TTO databases -- 7. Comparison of EQ-5D VAS valuations: analysis of background variables -- 8. A European EQ-5D VAS valuation set -- 9. A comparison of EQ-5D time trade-off values obtained in Germany, The United Kingdom and Spain -- 10. What concepts does the EQ-5D measure? Intentions and interpretations -- 11. Producing other language versions of the EQ-5D -- 12. Exploring the results of translating the EQ-5D into 11 European languages -- 13. EQ-5D in selected countries around the world -- 14. Summary and future EQ-5D work -- References for all chapters -- Appendices.

EQ-5D from the EuroQol Group is a standardised, non-disease-specific instrument for describing and valuing health. It is in widespread use in many countries and has been applied in many different settings. EQ-5D is now an integral feature of many clinical trials and is increasingly used in population health surveys. This book reports on the results of the European Union-funded EQ-net project which furthered the development of EQ-5D in the key areas of valuation, application and translation. The primary effort concentrated on harmonising and integrating the results of the various EuroQol valuation projects. Most importantly, the book includes a set of VAS-based preference weights for all the EQ-5D health states based on cross-European EQ-5D data. This book provides the most comprehensive account to date of the EuroQol Group endeavour. It will appeal to clinicians, nurses, health services researchers, health economists, those responsible for audit and quality assurance, public health specialists and managers in health care institutions, and the pharmaceutical industry.


10.1007/978-94-017-0233-1 doi

Medical research.
Public health.
Quality of Life Research.
Public Health.

R5-RZ409.999 HN25


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