Christ, Carl F.

Econometrics, macroeconomics and economic policy / selected papers of Carl F. Christ. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 1996. - xx, 520 páginas : tablas, gráficas ; 24 cm. - Economists of the twentieth century .

Incluye bibliografías

Part I. The history of econometrics: 1. “History of the cowles commission 1932-1952”, in economic theory and measurement: a twenty year research report, Chicago, cowles commission for research in economics (1952), pp. 3-65 ; 2. Early progress in estimating quantitative economic relationships in “America”, American economic review (December 1985) ; 3. The cowles commission’s contributions to econometrics at Chicago, 1939-1955, journal of economic literature (march 1994) -- Part II: Econometrics and its assessment: 4. A test of an econometric model for the United States, 1921-1947, in universities-national bureau committee, conference on business cycles, New York, national bureau of economic research (1951) pp. 35-107. Reprinted as cowles commission paper (1952), no. series, no. 49 ; 5. “Judging the performance of econometric models of the U.S. economy”, international economic review (February 1975), pp. 54-74 reprinted in Lawrence R. Klein and Edwin Burmeister (eds.), econometric model performance: comparative simulation studies on the U.S. economy, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press (1976), pp. 322-42 ; 6. “Decomposition of the expected squared error or forecast from a linear forecasting equation”, Indian economic review, special number in memory of sukhamoy Chakravarty (1992 but published in 1994), pp. 325-8 ; 7. “Assessing applied econometric results”, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis review (march/april 1993), pp. 71-94 -- Part III. The government budget restraint and its implications: 8. “As short-run aggregate-demand model of the interdependence and effects of monetary and fiscal policies with Keynesian and classical interest elasticities”, American Economic Review (may 1967), pp. 434-43 ; 9. “A simple macroeconomic model with a government budget restraint”, journal of political economy (January/February 1968) pp. 53-67 ; 10. “Monetary and fiscal influences on U.S. money income, 1891-1970”, journal of money, credit and banking (February 1973), pp. 279-300 ; 11. “Some dynamic theory of macroeconomic policy effects on income and process under the government budget restraint”, journal of monetary economics /January 1978), pp. 45-70 , 12. “On fiscal and monetary policies and the government budget restraint”, American economic review (September 1979), pp. 526-38 ; 13. “Changes in the financing of the Federal debt and their impact on the U.S. economy, 1948-90, in U.S. congress, joint economic committee, special study on economic change, vol. 6 Federal finance: The pursuer of American goals, Washington, USGPO (December 1980). A shortened version including pages 93-107.113-14, 127-8, 136, 138, 140-63, 169 and 180-85 ; 14. “The financing of the government budget in Japan and its relation to macroeconomic variables”, bank of Japan monetary and economic studies (May 1987), pp. 1-32 -- Part IV. Reflections on economic modelling and on economic policy: 17. “Pitfalls in macroeconomic model building”, in Tej K. Kaul and Jati K. Sengupta (eds.), economic models, estimation and socioeconomic systems: essays in honor of Karl A. Fox (contributions to economic analysis no. 186), Amsterdam, North Holland and New York, Elsevier (1991), pp. 257-89 ; 18. “Economics and public policy”, in Shripad Pendse (ed.) perspectives on an economic future: forms, reforms and evaluations (contributions in economics history no. 116), New York, Greenwood press (1991), pp. 15-29.


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