Modern Methods of Optimization Proceedings of the Summer School "Modern Methods of Optimization", held at the Schloß Thurnau of the University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, FRG, October 1-6, 1990 / [electronic resource] : edited by Werner Krabs, Jochem Zowe. - 1st ed. 1992. - VII, 352 p. 2 illus. online resource. - Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 378 0075-8442 ; . - Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 378 .

Computability and complexity of polynomial optimization problems -- Identification by model reference adaptive systems -- Matching problems with Knapsack side constraints. A computational study -- Optimization under functional constraints (semi-infinite programming) and applications -- Vector optimization: Theory, methods, and application to design problems in engineering -- Nonconvex optimization and its structural frontiers -- Nonlinear optimization problems under data perturbations -- Difference methods for differential inclusions -- Ekeland's variational principle, convex functions and Asplund-spaces -- Topics in modern computational methods for optimal control problems.

This volume contains the proceedings of the summer school "Modern Methods of Optimization", held at the Schlof3 Thurnau of the University of Bayreuth, October 1-6, 1990. Like other branches of applied mathematics the area of optimization is undergoing a rapid development since the beginning of the computer age. Optimizaiton methods are of increasing importance for both, science and industry. The aim of the summer school was to present state-of-the-art knowledge by inviting 12 specialists from Op­ timization (and related fields) to present their areas of activity in the form of survey talks. This volume contains 10 of these presentations in slightly extended form. Most lectures started from an undergraduate level and outlinad the developments up to the latest scientifique achievements. This enabled the audience, consisting of about 45 students and young researchers, to get an excellent overview of the latest trends in Optimization as w~ll as a grasp of the breadth of its potential applications. Equally important to the success of the summer school was the "nonmeasurable" part of the activities inherent in such a summer school. Here the inspiring atmosphere of a place like Thurnau helped to establish numerous contacts between "teachers" and "students". The summer school was organized by the Universitii. t Bayreuth together with the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt and was generously sponsored by the Volkswagen­ stiftung and the Universitii. tsverein Bayreuth. Their interest in the meeting and their support is hereby gratefully acknowledged.


10.1007/978-3-662-02851-3 doi

Operations research.
Decision making.
System theory.
Calculus of variations.
Economic theory.
Operations Research/Decision Theory.
Systems Theory, Control.
Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control; Optimization.
Economic Theory/Quantitative Economics/Mathematical Methods.

