Growth and Innovation of Competitive Regions The Role of Internal and External Connections / [electronic resource] : edited by Ugo Fratesi, Lanfranco Senn. - 1st ed. 2009. - IX, 368 p. online resource. - Advances in Spatial Science, The Regional Science Series, 1430-9602 . - Advances in Spatial Science, The Regional Science Series, .

Foundations of Growth in Interconnected Territories -- Regional Growth, Connections and Economic Modelling: An Introduction -- Sustainable Interrelated Growth: A Phenomenal Approach -- A Model of Local Development -- The Dynamics of an 'Innovation Driven' Territorial System -- Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Regions Faced with External Competition -- The Co-Evolution of Entrepreneurship and Clusters -- Learning, Innovation and Growth Within Interconected Clusters: An Agent-Based Approach -- Knowledge-Based Economy and Knowledge Creation: The Role of Space -- Systems of Innovation and Regional Growth in the EU: Endogenous vs. External Innovative Activities and Socio-Economic Conditions -- Some Conjectures on the Tie Between Digital Divide and Regional Disparities -- The Factors of Development in Advanced Regions -- Interconnection-Infrastructure as a Prerequisite for the Development of Territories - The Role of Network Externalities -- Regional Growth and the Co-Evolution of Clusters: The Role of Labour Flows -- Intra-National Disparities, Regional Interactions and the Growth of Countries -- Creativity, Cultural Investment and Local Development: A New Theoretical Framework for Endogenous Growth -- Methods and Theories for the Study of Interconnected Territories -- Modelling Individual Behaviour of Firms in the Study of Spatial Concentration -- The New Approach to Regional Economics Dynamics: Path Dependence and Spatial Self-Reinforcing Mechanisms -- Conclusions -- What Policy for Interconnected Territories? Conclusions and Openings.

This volume investigates the dynamics of regional performance in advanced countries and the mechanisms that allow some regions to grow more rapidly than others, to become and remain more competitive in the long run. The authors show how the capability of regions to innovate is enhanced by a large number of factors, including entrepreneurship, clustering, creativity, new technologies, human capital and the presence of internal, intra-regional, and external, extra-regional, connections. The book is mainly theoretical, but all chapters also analyze the policy consequences. Moreover, the empirical results reinforce the theoretical findings and as such are more broadly applicable and not bound to the specific case. The general reach of the theoretical arguments, and the focus on policy consequences, make this book helpful for both scholars and policymakers.


10.1007/978-3-540-70924-4 doi

Regional economics.
Spatial economics.
Economic geography.
Economic policy.
Industrial organization.
Regional/Spatial Science.
Economic Geography.
Economic Policy.
Industrial Organization.

HT388 HD28-9999
