Thümler, E.

Philanthropy and Education Strategies for Impact / [electronic resource] : by E. Thümler, N. Bögelein, A. Beller, H. Anheier. - 1st ed. 2014. - XVII, 264 p. online resource.

Philanthropic foundations play an increasingly important role in attempts to enhance the performance of school systems. Based on case studies from Germany, Switzerland and the US, this book develops an innovative model of effective education philanthropy for successfully tackling problems in the complex field of education.


10.1057/9781137326256 doi

School management and organization.
School administration.
Educational policy.
Education and state.
Educational sociology.
Educational sociology .
Education and sociology.
Management science.
Administration, Organization and Leadership.
Educational Policy and Politics.
Sociology of Education.
Sociology of Education.
Assessment, Testing and Evaluation.
Economics, general.

