External vulnerability and preventive policies.
- Editors by Ricardo J. Caballero, César Calderón, Luis Felipe Céspedes.
- Santiago : Banco Central de Chile, 2006.
- 420 páginas : gráficas, tablas ; 23 cm.
- Series on Central Banking, analysis, and economic policies ; 10 .
Incluye bibliografías.
External vulnerability and preventive policies: an overview / Ricardo J. Caballero, César Calderón, and Luis Felipe Céspedes -- Why are capital flows so much more volatile in emerging than in developed countries / Fernando A. Broner and Roberto Rigobon -- External conditions and growth perfomance / César Calderón, Norman Loayza and Kalus Schmidt-Hebbel -- Business cycle responses and the resilience of the Chilean economy / Helmut Franken, Guilermo Le Fort and Eric Parrado -- Policy responses to external shocks : the experiences of Australia, Brazil and Chile / Luis Felipe Céspedes, Ilan Goldfajn, Phil Lowe and Rodrigo O. Valdés -- Large hoardings of international reserves are they worth it? / Pablo García and Claudio Soto -- Currency mismatches in Chilean nonfinancial corporations / Kevin Cowan, Erwin Hansen and Luis Óscar Herrera -- Is the foreing exchange derivatives market effective and efficient in reducing currency risk / Esteban Jadresic and Jorge Selaive -- Managing the capital account / Sebastían Edwards -- Sovereign debet, volatility, and insurance / Kenneth Kletzer -- Exchange rate interventions and insurance : is fear of floating a cause for concern / Fancisco Gallego and Geraint Jones -- Contingent reserves management : an applied framework / Ricardo J. Cabalero and Stavros Panageas.
Contagio (Crisis financiera) Crisis financiera Mercado de capitales--Países en desarrollo Derivados financieros